Dr. Pratapsinh Kakasaheb Desai

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Sub: Participation in Skill Development training program for faculty in "Cyber Security" – regarding


As you are aware that ISTE in collaboration with BNY, is organising a Skill Development Training Program in Cyber Security focusing on Emerging Technologies for teachers working in AICTE approved institutes.
The goal of this initiative is to bridge the gap between Industry and Academia by equipping faculty with the knowledge of the latest technological trends.


Now, ISTE & BNY is planning to conduct the skill development training program on "Cyber Security” for interested faculties in online mode very shortly. 
The interested faculties have to register for training by filling the google form. Please note neither Institute nor Faculty have to pay any fees/ charges for this training.  
It will be totally free for them. However, it will be the responsibility of the Institute to spare faculty for training as per schedule and faculty is expected to complete the training successfully with required attendance and performance during program.


Eligible faculties for attending the training:-

Faculties from Engineering Colleges/University in the branch of Computer Science/ Electronics/Electrical/IT/MCA

The registration can be done by clicking on the below link:   (The registration link will be open till 11/01/2025.)

I appeal to you to encourage participation in these programs. Further, I request you to circulate this information among the nearby institutions of your place and appeal to them to participate in this program. In case, any queries please mail to  istedhq@isteonline.orgThe registration link will be open till 11/01/2025.

Benefit to Institute:

  1. Opportunity to provide training to faculties in emerging areas through experts
  2. Trained teachers have to conduct training programs for students in the area they are trained.

Benefit for Faculty:

  • Gain knowledge on trending technology at no cost.
  • Earn a recognition certificate on successful completion of the final assessment with full attendance.
  • Self-development in emerging areas is possible with this knowledge.

Please identify the eligible faculties who are having basic knowledge and ready to train students after successful completion of training. 

Salient features of the program

  • Institute can nominate maximum 2-faculties each program.
  • The final selection for the program will be based on the performance in pre-assessment test.
  • Faculties selected will be given online training @ 2hours per day. It may vary depending upon the situation.
  • Training will be followed by regular assignments and tests and final test at the end of the program.
  • The faculties fulfilling the attendance criteria and having performance above the norms fixed will be eligible for certification.
  • After the successful completion of training the faculties have to train at least 100 students in the area they have acquired training.
  • The names of faculties are to be recommended by the institute only. It will be the responsibility of the institute to spare faculties for training during training hours.
  • Institutes can have well trained faculties in emerging areas. This will help to enhance the standard of institute

Actions to be taken by the Institute:

  1. Identify the faculties for training and recommend them for training 
  2. Spare selected faculty for training during the training schedule.
  3. Provide necessary motivation and support to faculties undergoing training.
  4. Arrange for training of students through these trained faculties.


We all are aware that every institute is starving for excellence. This is one of the golden opportunities which you should not miss, where you can train the qualified and suitable faculty who in turn can continue to train your students.


(Executive Secretary, ISTE)