Dr. Pratapsinh Kakasaheb Desai

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Contribute Articles in IJTE

Appeal to contribute articles for The Indian Journal of Technical Education (IJTE)

Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is the leading National Professional non-profit making Society for the Technical Education System in the country with the motto of Career Development of Teachers and Personality Development of Students and overall development of our Technical Education System. 

About the Journal -

The Indian Journal of Technical Education (IJTE) is published by the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) on quarterly basis with the aim to provide an appropriate platform presenting well considered, meaningful, constructively thought provoking, non-political and non-controversial but critically analysing and synthesizing present and future aspects of Technical Education System with particular reference to our country.

The IJTE is a peer reviewed Journal and recently indexed in the UGC-Care Journal list. The main task of the CARE is to improve the quality of research in Indian universities and to promote academic and research integrity as well as publication ethics. High-quality publications in reputed journals help in achieving higher global ranks and overall improvement of quality of education. 

The contributors are expected to highlight various issues of Technical Education (incorporating disciplines of Engineering, Technology, Management, Architecture & Pharmacy, etc. along with meaningful suggestions for solution, refinement and innovations.


IJTE solicits paper and articles of original, principled research papers dealing with theoretical, methodological, empirical and application-related aspects of technical education. Papers must clearly demonstrate relevance to pedagogical techniques in the field of engineering and technology, Management studies, Pharmacy, Hotel Management and Information Technology.

All submissions should describe original and unpublished work. Research papers should describe results of systems development and/or empirical or theoretical analysis. A small number of “review paper”, “survey paper” and “theme papers” will also be accepted. These should synthesize and examine broad issues in the field. Authors are encouraged to submit reports on work-in-progress as short papers.

All papers must be submitted to ISTE by email along with an undertaking for the originality, IPR and copyright issues. The full details of the author and their home institution (if any) should be given for correspondence. Author should be working in the AICTE approved institutions/technical university and each papers should not contain more than 4 authors.

For any further clarifications regarding tsubmission and status of the papers, may kindly contact to the following:

The Editor

(The Indian Journal of Technical Education)

(ISSN No.: 0971-3034)

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